Artist Statement Michele Renee Gort
I have always been fascinated by art and have a strong appreciation for original art. While I began my career many years ago as an interior designer, I feel drawn to the art world and continually feel encouraged to paint. I paint and create, not only to decorate environments, but to inspire people. My goal has been met when my paintings are displayed and draw people in to view them closer and to appreciate the depth and rich textures they encompass. I am constantly looking for new ways to improve my work and to manipulate the oil pigment. I propel myself to grow as an artist and envision what is next with my paintings. I not only want to inspire those who view and buy my work, but also myself.
My paintings begin with solitude out in nature. My most inspired paintings come from a place of quiet while I view nature and focus in with my camera lens, taking time to appreciate the abstraction in the small details that can be seen around me. When I have given myself this time outdoors, I come back to my studio ready to communicate my emotions with paint. Sometimes I express myself with realistic paintings, but most times it is through abstraction. However, my paintings are always organic and created in response to my feelings. I use oil pigment because it dries slowly and that allows me to blend the color and manipulate the oil with organic movement until it reveals satisfying brush strokes, marks, rich texture, and deep layers.
My current work is more intuitive, bold, and expressive. I use rich vibrant earth tones to capture the expressive style of painting. I have been focusing more on abstraction and on enhancing my more realistic paintings to reflect more energy and movement. I have been achieving this with large fluid brush work, energetic palette knife work, and by using a larger canvas. This gives my paintings a dynamic sense of movement and spontaneity.
Michele Renee Gort